Zenergy's Experts to Speak at StarEast 2018

Bob and ShaunIt's almost that time... StarEast, one of the longest-running software QA testing conferences in the U.S. (presented by nationally recognized experts), is right around the corner! Find Zenergy’s experts at the following events throughout the conference:

  • Half-Day Tutorial | April 30 from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Agile Testing: Team Tactics that Deliver the Goods): Agile testing brings its own set of unique challenges to the table; Avoiding Scrummerfall and integrating test teams are only a few common struggles agile organizations face. One of the major problem areas, not just in agile contexts but across all software testing efforts, is the dichotomy of testing vs. quality, or how to balance leadership and team focus effectively to deliver the most value. Although agile can be difficult to master in a matter of months or even years, utilizing the right tools and techniques in combination with the right agile testing mindset can make all the difference in your testing endeavors. In this half-day workshop Bob Galen and Mary Thorn will examine numerous team tactics (for risk-based testing, iterative test planning, agile automation strategies, test metrics and artifacts) and dive deeper into several adaptive, context-based tools that will successfully guide you through your agile journey.
  • Half-Day Tutorial | May 1 from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm (Test Automation Strategies for the Agile World): The increase in adoption of agile software practices in organizations has greatly altered more traditional test automation strategies. With lower costs, improved functionalities, increased speed, and developer acceptance, open source tools are becoming more valuable than their commercial equivalents. In the world of agile software development, keeping up with the newly emerging systems is a necessity. Bob’s discovery session will explore some of the latest automation strategies you can incorporate into both new and pesky archaic projects. Leave this tutorial with a solidified game plan to deliver on your agile test automation efforts.
  • Half-Day Tutorial | May 1 from 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm (Agile Test Team Leadership: From Concept to Product): Test management and leadership are the main ingredients to obtaining self-directed agile teams. If you are one to believe differently, prepare to have your mind swayed by the end of this tutorial. Join Bob and Mary Thorn for an exploration on what excellent test team leadership looks like and identify any potential problem areas your leadership styles may currently present. Walk away with a well-rounded set of critical leadership patterns to navigate your teams through the every day to day agile operations expected of self-directed agile teams. 
  • Track Session | May 2 from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm (Thirteen Patterns of Testers Thriving in Agile Teams): Have your testers cracked the code to what it takes to successfully test in agile? While some have found the keys to unlocking the ways of agile, (with self-directed teams who have proven to provide high value to customers) others are stuck in a continuous battle, working to climb the ladder with little to no authority of the overall process at hand. Throughout his many years of coaching experience Shaun has seen it all, from the most chaotic and disastrous to the almost flawless teams who portray the right mindset, leadership, and management practices. Join Shaun for the great unveil of the thirteen secrets of “fully empowered” agile testers seen in high performing agile teams. 
  •  Track Session | May 2 from 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm (Mindmapping: A General Purpose (Test) Planning Tool): Test management tools are essential in agile testing as they provide more clarity and cohesiveness across multiple platforms and allow developers and testers to work together simultaneously. With a plethora of management tools available in today’s market, identifying which one(s) that will deliver the most quality can be difficult. Sometimes simplicity is the best place to start from. Join Bob to visually experience the art of mindmapping and how it can be applied to testing to illustrate test case design, idea generation, and sprint and release level test planning efforts. Bob’s Mindmapping tool is a suitable addition that can be added to any teams’ toolbox queue and not to mention free!
  • Leadership Summit | May 4 from 8:45 am - 9:45 am (Crucial, Pivotal, and Radical Candor Conversations – Closing the Gap): Communication seems to come naturally to leaders, but the kind of communication needed to nurture and support team and organizational growth is more often learned and takes much more skill and experience to acquire. To deliver high-value results to customers, the ideal agile leader must know how to handle the daily complexities and uncomfortable conversations that coincide in agile testing. Join Bob for an exploration on the conversational tactics and models utilized by experienced leaders to effectively hold and manage conversations.

StarEast 2018 will take place on April 29 to May 4, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Orlando, FL. For more information or to register visit the event’s website here.