Zenergy consultants are experts in using Selenium for automating website testing. This free (open source) automated testing suite is used for web applications across multiple browsers and is becoming one of the most popular automation testing tools. Trust the experts at Zenergy to help with all your Selenium automation consulting needs
Do Selenium Right
Zenergy was an early adopter of Selenium automation. The principals and practice managers at Zenergy have taught automation classes in Selenium at major QA conferences as well as given a keynote on the framework at the largest testing conference in the U.S. Zenergy has the expertise in Selenium to make sure your implementation is done right.
Implement Faster
Zenergy’s Selenium experts can help you get your automation up and running in a short time frame. Our experts will work with you to come up with the best Selenium strategy and framework for your needs, then create the automated test cases so you can get the benefit from them quickly.
Skip the Gotchas
There are two types of companies that do Selenium automation well: ones that bring in expertise to get the automation up and running quickly in an effective manner, and the others that go through much trial and error. Zenergy can support your consulting needs by helping you skip the gotchas that bog down your Selenium implementations.
Keep Your Developers Focused
It’s tempting to offload your Selenium automation needs to your developers, but is that the best use of their time? Shouldn’t they focus on your core business? Zenergy can take the Selenium development burden off your key coders so they can focus on your revenue generators. Plus, Zenergy approaches Selenium implementations from a testing mindset to ensure potential blind spots are covered.
Develop Your Selenium Automation Strategy
The right Selenium strategy pays off by ensuring your automation can grow and extend while being easier to maintain. We have been consulting with companies for over fifteen years, helping them to develop automation strategies.
Zenergy’s automation experts are in high-demand at all the major industry conferences and speak on a wide variety of topics from end-to-end automation for enterprise systems, to making the most of open-source Selenium. If you are seeking consulting advice for your Selenium automation effort, our experts can help you develop a strategy that will work for the life of the software you have under test.
Talk to us to learn how our Selenium consulting experts can help you create the right Selenium automation testing strategy to help you succeed.

Before implementation of the advanced Selenium framework, we could only test 1% of the critical regression functionality with a 60-hour manual effort. Four months into the automation project, we increased that critical coverage by 500% in an automated run that only takes six (6) minutes.

Leading Provider of Online Instructional Tools
Build an Advanced Selenium Framework
There are multiple automation approaches. Which one is right for your Selenium effort? We can help you eliminate the guesswork.
Zenergy’s experts have helped over 150 companies with their automation approaches and frameworks, from creating the right advanced Selenium approach from scratch, to optimizing existing ones. Our experience in advanced automation will reduce the trial and error most companies go through to figure out the best Selenium approach for their situations.
Talk to us about your Selenium consulting needs to learn how an advanced framework can make your effort a success.
Before implementation of the advanced Selenium framework, we could only test 1% of the critical regression functionality with a 60-hour manual effort. Four months into the automation project, we increased that critical coverage by 500% in an automated run that only takes six (6) minutes.

Leading Provider of Online Instructional Tools
Train Your Selenium Team
Need to take your Selenium team to the next level to make them more effective? Zenergy’s Selenium Training will improve their skills while exposing them to common practices used by many of the best automation departments in the industry. We can bring the class to you, or you can send participants to one of our sessions given in Greensboro, NC.
Choose from Selenium Basic, Advanced, or both. For full details, check out our Selenium Training courses. Talk to us to learn more and get all your questions answered.
More about Automation Training
Offload Your Maintenance & Execution
Want someone else to take care of your Selenium automation execution, enhancement, and maintenance so your developers can focus on the software that runs your business? We can do it.
Zenergy has teams dedicated to multiple companies solely to take care of their Selenium automation suites so their developers can concentrate on what they do best: building great software. Our Selenium teams are guided by Zenergy’s experts and senior automation leads who ensure the work is performed right.
Talk to our Selenium consulting experts to learn how we can take care of your automation so you don’t have to think about it.
Read More About Selenium Automation

Optimize Your Selenium Framework
Already have Selenium test automation but it’s not living up to your expectations? We can help.
Whether you have a Selenium automation suite that could be performing at a higher level or an effort that has downright failed, we can get you back on track. Zenergy performs numerous “automation rescue” efforts every year. These efforts revamp underperforming automation to make it work.
You don’t have to live with bad or mediocre test automation. Talk to our Selenium consulting experts to learn how we can boost your existing Selenium effort.
Engage a Selenium Automation Team
Need test automation up and running fast? We can get it going quickly so you can reap the benefits.
Our testing facility houses automation teams guided by industry experts who can design, implement, and develop scripts for your Selenium effort. By using our architect and team, you can avoid the trial and error typical of many initial automation installs.
If the end goal is your team owning Selenium automation, we can build it, then turn it over to your team and train them to maintain and extend. Or we can be your Selenium partner by taking care of it for you as long as you’d like.
Talk to us to learn how our Selenium practice can help you reach your goals.
Ask the Selenium Automation Expert
Need to understand when to use IDE versus Web Driver 2.0? Want to discuss the pros and cons on moving from licensed enterprise tools to open source Selenium? Our consultants can help you answer all your questions.
Zenergy has built its reputation and business by paying it forward. Fill out the Ask the Expert form to schedule a complimentary, twenty-minute call with one of Zenergy’s Selenium experts. No salespeople, no hidden agenda… just you and the expert of your choosing. If you’ve ever wanted to pick the brain of a QA and testing industry expert, here’s your opportunity to receive top-talent consulting advice.

More Solutions
No matter where you are in your agile journey we have a solution to help you reach your goals. Click for Zenergy’s Agile Maturity Continuum to learn which solutions will benefit your organization.
Software is driving more business revenue than ever while becoming increasingly complex. Hire Zenergy to help you create the right DevOps strategy to navigate this complexity and exceed customer demands.
Zenergy’s architects design, implement, and fine-tune advanced automation strategies and frameworks for DevOps, CI/CD, and quality initiatives to ensure all scales and performs the way you want. Let Zenergy help you up your speed-to-market.
Quality gets talked about often, but do you really know how to take it to the next level? Zenergy’s roots are in the quality space so we know how to make big improvements while integrating the process with agile and dev-ops. Let us show you how.
Continuous Integration and Deployment is no longer a nice-to-have or get-to-it-later if you want modern software delivery methods and feedback loops to help you deploy faster with high quality. Zenergy can help you “shift left” to save time and cost.