Category Archives: distributed agile teams

4 Ingredients to Working in Agile Remote Teams

As an Agile Coach, I often try to simplify things and refer people (and myself) to theManifesto for Agile Software Development. Almost all agilists can remember at least the first corevalue,“Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.”Though the introverts might cringe about it, most are also familiar with the principle,“The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.”In order to help...

Distributed Agile Teams: The Art of the START

For some,integrating testers into agileteams stands to be the real challenge, especially when working with distributed agile teams. I’ve sharedagilemethods for over ten years at conferences and workshops. One of the top three questions I always receive from attendees is: Does Agile work with distributed teams? A Tale of Two Distributed Teams The “Bad to Ugly” Establish the Team(s) Train the Team Together Establish Norms, Standards, and a Character Sprint Review Together! Wrapping Up